SD 212 Spring 2023 / Homeworks

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hw27: Class inheritance with food

  • Due before the beginning of class on Wednesday, April 12

This homework will reinforce concepts from our current unit on classes, specifically focusing these concepts:

  • inheritance
  • subclasses and superclasses
  • class variables
  • instance variables

Your task

Create a file called which contains two classes that you write, Food and Yogurt, where Yogurt is a subclass of Food.

The Food class should be initialized with a food’s name, meal name, and calorie count. The Food class has two functions: info() displays the food information in a certain format shown below, and eat() adds that food’s calories to a running total and prints out the current count as shown below.

(Hint: you will need a class variable in the Food class to store the total number of calories eaten so far.)

The Yogurt class is a subclass of Food. It it initialized only with the flavor; every yogurt is for lunch and has 150 calories. The Yogurt class will have one function (in addition to those inherited from Food): calling stir() prints a message specifying which flavor of yogurt is being stirred.

(Note, the Yogurt class should not have to define the info() or eat() functions; those should just be defined once in the Food class.)

Here is a file I will use to test your code:

from food import Food, Yogurt

bagel = Food('bagel', 'breakfast', 350)
pizza = Food('pizza', 'dinner', 800)
lemyo = Yogurt('lemon')
plainyo = Yogurt('plain')   # prints "bagel is a breakfast food with 350 calories"   # prints "pizza is a dinner food with 800 calories"   # prints "lemon yogurt is a lunch food with 150 calories" # prints "plain yogurt is a lunch food with 150 calories"    # prints "350 calories so far"
lemyo.stir()   # prints "Stirring your lemon yogurt"    # prints "500 calories so far"    # prints "1300 calories so far"
plainyo.stir() # prints "Stirring your plain yogurt"  # prints "1450 calories so far"

Running this file should produce the following output:

bagel is a breakfast food with 350 calories
pizza is a dinner food with 800 calories
lemon yogurt is a lunch food with 150 calories
plain yogurt is a lunch food with 150 calories
350 calories so far
Stirring your lemon yogurt
500 calories so far
1300 calories so far
Stirring your plain yogurt
1450 calories so far

(Note: if you write any testing code inside your file, make sure you put it under a if __name__ == '__main__' check, so that your testing code does not run when I import food from another file.)

Submit command

To submit files for this homework, run one of these commands:

submit -c=sd212 -p=hw27
club -csd212 -phw27