SD 212 Spring 2023 / Homeworks

This is the archived website of SD 212 from the Spring 2023 semester. Feel free to browse around; you may also find more recent offerings at my teaching page.

hw20: Guest speaker read-ahead

  • Due before the beginning of class on Monday, March 20

We will have an guest speaker come on Monday, March 20 and speak to us at 1200 in Rickover 102. We will not hold regular class that day, and all SD212 students have been added on an excusal to get out of formation. We will have boxed lunches from King Hall.

For this homework we will ask you to read ahead on the topic we will hear about, and prepare a few questions that you might ask. There will be plenty of time for questions and discussion, so we want to make good use of it and have an interesting conversation.


  1. Read the report Do You See What I See? from the Center for Democracy and Technology.

    At the end of the web page there is a link to an infographic with a few specific examples. Read through that as well.

    (There is also a link to the “full report” which is a 63-page pdf. You do not have to read that!)

    Answer “yes” to this question to indicate that you read the article and the infographic.

  2. What is one question you have about what you read?

  3. Besides what is mentioned in the report and infographic, what is another application or example where you think we should be concerned about the over-use of data analysis tools?

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