SI 204 Spring 2017

This is the archived website of SI 204 from the Spring 2017 semester. Feel free to browse around; you may also find more recent offerings at my teaching page.


SI 204-Specific Resources

VM Resources

  • Getting VMPlayer, creating your VM, and getting it set up properly: Detailed instructions are here.
  • Mounting your CS Department Unix home directory in your VM:
    In a terminal window of your virtual machine, give the command csmount. This creates a directory named csunix in your home directory on the VM, and mounts your CS Department Unix home directory there. I.e. ~/csunix on the VM is the same as ~/ on your CS Department Unix account. In case you need to un-mount your CS Department Unix home directory, the command is csunmount .
  • Submitting code for assignments:
    For an assignment called, e.g., "hw01", you should be writing your code in a directory with that same name, like ~/csunix/hw01 or, to be a bit more organized, ~/csunix/si204/hw01.
    The command to submit code for this class is 204sub. If you run this command from within your folder, and the folder is properly named the same as the assignment, everything should "just work".

General Unix and C++ Programming Resources