CS 136: Elementary Algorithm Design and Data Abstraction


CS 136 has a weekly tutorial. These serve to reinforce ideas presented in class, and to present some of the software tools used in this course.

A web page giving the exercises for each tutorial will be linked here (hopefully before the tutorial begins), and solutions to the exercises will be posted shortly after the second tutorial ends. Some skeleton code and tests may be provided to save everyone time. However, you are always encouraged to write your own tests, and of course your own solutions, before looking at what is given.

Questions or issues regarding these may be directed to the course newsgroup, or to Dan Roche directly.

Review: Exam Review Session (Aug 2)

Tutorial 13: Final Exam Review (July 27)

Tutorial 12 - Double Arrays and Polymorphism (July 20)

Tutorial 11 - File I/O and Java Arrays (July 13)

Tutorial 10 - List Processing, Generics, and Iteration (July 6)

Tutorial 9 - Hello Java (June 29)

Tutorial 8 - Farewell Scheme (June 22)

Tutorial 7 - Midterm Review (June 15)

Tutorial 6 - Simulating Computer Memory (June 8)

Tutorial 5 - big-O Notation and Proofs by Induction (June 1)

Tutorial 4 - Poker Hands and Efficiency (May 25)

Tutorial 3 - ADTs (May 18)

Tutorial 2 - Service Managers and Destructive Methods (May 11)

Tutorial 1 - Review (May 4)