IC 312 Fall 2022

This is the archived website of IC 312 from the Fall 2022 semester. Feel free to browse around; you may also find more recent offerings at my teaching page.



We will have three course projects: two programming projects and one research project.

You are expected to do your own work on projects and not to help each other. Collaboration is not allowed, and you may only discuss your solutions with your instructor or MGSP leader. You may not search for or use online resources about how to solve the particular problem the project poses, but you may use general Java programming websites as long as they are clearly documented.

Recall that the late policy for projects is that you lose 5k-1 points for turning in k days after the deadline. So one day late is -1, two days is -5, three days is -25. These are calendar days, so weekends count. And we only count whole days, rounding up, so for example 2 days and 1 minute late is 3 days late.
