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BoundedStack<T> - Interface in <Unnamed>
A stack with limited (but changeable) capacity.


canMoveLeft() - Method in interface Text
Returns whether there is another character to the left of the cursor.
canMoveRight() - Method in interface Text
Returns whether the cursor is NOT at the end.
clear() - Method in interface BoundedStack
Removes all elements from the stack.


delete() - Method in interface Text
Deletes the character at the current cursor position.


get() - Method in interface Text
Returns the character at the current cursor position.


insert(char) - Method in interface Text
Inserts a new character before the current cursor position.
isEmpty() - Method in interface BoundedStack
Returns whether the stack is currently empty.


moveLeft() - Method in interface Text
Moves the cursor one character to the left.
moveRight() - Method in interface Text
Moves the cursor one character to the right.


pop() - Method in interface BoundedStack
Removes and returns the element at the top of the stack.
print() - Method in interface Text
Displays the current sequence of characters one one line, with the cursor underneath.
push(T) - Method in interface BoundedStack
Adds a new element to the top of the stack.


setCapacity(int) - Method in interface BoundedStack
Changes the capacity to the given value.


Text - Interface in <Unnamed>
An editable sequence of characters with a current "cursor" position.
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