Save your program in a file called proj.hs
in folders called proj1
and proj2
respectively for phases 1 and 2 of your project.
Be sure to include a main
I will test your code in the same environment as the lab
machines in MI 302, using the commands
/usr/bin/ghc --make proj.hs -o proj ./proj
For phase 2 of your project,
you will write a program to generate PREDICT and FOLLOW sets for a given
You should submit your program in a folder
called proj2
, and be sure that it runs as described above.
Your program will read the grammar specification from a file called
. The format of this file is illustrated in the
example below.
Each line of the spec.txt
file is a single
production rule in the grammar, without anything fancy like
or *
. Each rule is simply a non-terminal symbol,
then a single colon, then 0 or more non-terminal symbols, until the end of
the line. Non-terminals are specified with
all lower-case names, and tokens with all upper-case names. Each non-terminal
can appear as the left-hand side of multiple production rules, and they do not
have to be all together (for instance, foo
in the previous
grammar). The non-terminal on the left-hand side of the first rule is defined
to be the start symbol, no matter what it might be called. Notice that
epsilon productions don't explicitly write "epsilon", they just have an
empty right-hand side.
Your program should apply the rules for computing EPS, PREDICT, and FOLLOW
sets according to this handout, repeatedly applying
each rule until nothing more can be added to the sets. Then all the PREDICT
and follow sets should be printed out, on single lines, with tokens
separated by commas. The EOF symbol should be printed as $
as usual.
The ordering that the sets are printed in does not matter.
I suggest you write your program in the following steps. Of course you are free to develop however you wish. In any case, I strongly recommend that you start with a small, working program, and then try to add more functionality in very small increments. As always, feel free to submit every time you complete some small step.
file and storing
each rule in a list of strings. Make helper functions to determine if a string
is a token or non-terminal, and then check that each rule list starts with
a non-terminal and contains only tokens and non-terminals.
. This would be good for storing EPS and
each of the PREDICT and FOLLOW sets. You also need a way to find the PREDICT
and FOLLOW sets for a given non-terminal quickly, so it would probably be
a good idea to create two Maps (imported from Data.Map
mapping strings (non-terminal names) to sets (the PREDICT and FOLLOW sets).
Once you figure out your data structures, initialize them to be empty, and
then have your program do nothing and just print out the empty sets for
each non-terminal.
to the FOLLOW set of the start symbol, and to add any
non-terminal with an empty right-hand side to EPS.apply-all-functions
function from the previous part, and then either calls itself again
recursively if the sets have been updated, or returns the unmodified sets
For full credit, your program should:
Here is an example spec.txt
start : BOO foo BAR baz foo : baz baz : baz : BOO foo BOO foo : BAR BAR BOO
Given this file, your program should output the following sets, in any ordering:
PREDICT(start) = BOO PREDICT(foo) = BAR,BOO,$ PREDICT(baz) = BOO,BAR,$ FOLLOW(start) = $ FOLLOW(foo) = BAR,BOO FOLLOW(baz) = $,BAR,BOO