Submitting Code

All code for labs and projects must be submitted electronically, from the USNA cs linux environment. There are specific requirements for commenting and file names for all code.

The submit program

The program you will use to submit is located at /home/roche/413sub/submit. This program is accessible from the usna CS linux environment. You can use it from the MI 302 lab or log into one of the machines remotely; see this list of machines for reference. To limit your typing, it might be easy to make an alias or sybmolic link to the submit program.

When you run submit with no arguments, it will display something like

Open submission directories:
This means that there is one directory open for submission, called "lab01". Unsurprisingly, this corresponds to Lab 1. To submit your file or files for this lab, you make a directory in your account with this name, for example by typing mkdir lab01, and then put any files you want to submit in there. (It is probably easiest if you make this directory at the beginning of your lab, and just keep your files for this lab in there.)

Once you have your local directory, and you confirm that it is open for submission, you type

/home/roche/413sub/submit lab01
(for example) to submit your files. You will see something like
Submitting lab01 for user roche to Dr. Roche..
Submission successful.
You can see that there is one file that was submitted, called hi.txt. Note the last line, telling me that it was successful. If you don't see this line, then something went wrong.

All this does is put all your files in a place where I can see them, with a timestamp and your username. You are free to submit the same assignment repeatedly, and I will only look at the most recent submission for grading purposes.

Commenting requirements

Every file you submit should start with comment lines indicating:

If there are multiple files in your submission, you should also indicate in comments what this file is for.

For Scheme labs, remember that comments in Scheme are indicated by semicolons. So if you start a line with one or more semicolons, that line is a comment. For these labs, write the exercise solutions in order, and indicate with comments where each exercise begins. So I should see lines that look like

;;; Exercise 1 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
or something like that, to make it easy to find each part of the lab.

Dr. Scheme specific suggestions

All code you submit must be plain text. This should be self-explanatory. However, Dr. Scheme will sometimes try to save things in its own binary format, for instance if you try to insert a comment box in your definitions. (Don't do that.)

To protect against this, I suggest two actions: