Project 3

This is the archived website of SI 335 from the Spring 2015 semester. Feel free to browse around; you may also find more recent offerings at my teaching page.

This project contains only electronic parts. You code must be submitted according to the instructions on the submit page prior to the deadline.

  • Review the course policy on academic integrity for programming projects. Be sure to cite any discussions with classmates, or any online resources that you used. Citations should appear in comments in your code, and in README.txt files that you submit.
  • Part of your grade will be based on "coding style". This is mostly about whether your code is easy to follow, consistently formatted, and sensibly designed. You should use meaningful variable/function/class names, clearly explain what is going on in your code, and "clean up" any extra debugging or non-functional parts before submitting.
  • Your program should read from standard in and write to standard out. Its I/O behavior should be exactly identical to the sample starter code. You should write any error or debugging messages to stderr (cerr), as this stream will be ignored in testing.
  • Your program will automatically compiled and tested by a variety of exciting bash scripts. This means that it is imperative that your code compiles without errors in the CS linux lab environment and that it behaves exactly as specified. You should make use of the 335sanity check program to help make sure everything works.

1 A Mazing Project

In this project, you are going to find optimal pathways through a maze. A maze will be represented by a text file of space characters, X's, and O's. The X's are walls, and the O's are "coins". For example, here's a 9-by-15 maze:

      X O     O X
X O   X X   X XOX
X     X X X    OX
X           X   X
X      OX O   X  

The input to your program will be a maze like that one, piped into standard in. Your program will read in this maze and produce a sequence of "moves" starting at the top-left corner that will produce the maximum score, hopefully ending up at the bottom-right corner. Each move is either U, D, R, or L, corresponding to each of those four directions. And don't worry; I've written the I/O stuff for you, so all you need to write is a single function which takes in a 2-dimensional array that represents the maze, and returns a list of moves.

2 Awesome graphical interface

For your convenience, I have made a program to show this process a little more graphically for you. Here is how the maze above looks if you save it as maze.txt run

python3 maze.txt:

Sample maze

Sample maze

You can see that the blue diamond represents the current position. This maze can now be solved manually, with the points updated as you go. To analyze the performance of your program it will be more useful to run an existing file of moves through the given maze.

Here is a list of moves to solve that maze; probably not the optimal solution, but a fine one nonetheless:


(Note that whitespace in this output does not matter.) The moves above might be the output from your maze solving program. If the text above were saved as moves.txt, and you ran

python3 moves.txt

then you would see an exciting animation, which concludes with

Sample maze with moves

Sample maze with moves

This shows the path of all the moves, with the blue diamond in the correct final position and having earned a hefty sum of points.

NOTE: The above picture is inaccurate because it hasn't found all the coins, so actually the score would be much less and it would not be green. (Dr. Roche needs to fix this...)

3 Points

The goal of your program is to solve the maze and earn the mazimal number of points in the process. Here is how points are awarded, for a maze with height \(h\) and width \(w\):

  • You start with \(2wh\) points.
  • Every move decreases your point total by 1.
  • Picking up a O coin earns you \(2wh\) points.
  • Arriving at the bottom-right corner finishes the maze and earns \(2wh\) points, but you can't finish until you've picked up all the coins.
  • If you run into a wall, go out of bounds, or run out of moves, the maze is over and your point total is whatever it is at that moment.

So for example, in the 9 by 15 maze above, the starting point total shown is \(9\cdot 15 = 135\) points. The series of moves contains a total of 38 movements, which finds 4 coins, and the finish line. So the final point total is

\[135 - 38 + 4\cdot 27 + 270 = 475\]

NOTE: The score above is inaccurate because it hasn't found all the coins, so actually the score would be much less. (Dr. Roche needs to fix this...)

4 Other helper programs

There are 2 more Python programs I've written to help you develop and debug your code:

  • This program generates random mazes for you. Run python3 without any arguments to get a run-down of how the program is used. For instance, the example above was generated by running

    python3 15 9 rPrims

  • This runs a set of moves through a given maze and produces the final score, without any of the graphical niceties. This is how your programs will be auto-tested. You just run

    python3 maze.txt moves.txt

    (where maze.txt and moves.txt are text files that store the maze description and list of moves, respectively), and the output is some informational messages, followed by the final total score for that list of moves.

5 Starter Code

You can get all these files at once by downloading the file proj3.tar.gz and running tar xzvf proj3.tar.gz

The only thing you need to write is the calcMoves() method in solvemaze.XXX. You can use Python, C++, or Java, as you like. Please don't modify the helper scripts,, or

6 Grading

Your program will be tested on a variety of maze files ranging from the smallest possible mazes like 10x1 and 3x4 mazes, all the way up to a 1000x1000 maze. The test mazes will vary in size as well as their structure (how many walls they have). However, you are promised that:

  • The start will always be in the second row, first column.
  • The end will always be in the second-to-last row, last column.
  • There will always be a way to get all the coins..
  • There will always be exactly 10 coins.

This is how the generated mazes work, so those would be good examples to use for testing.

I will only run your solvemaze program, which should output a list of moves for the given input maze. You should only submit one solvemaze.XXX file, depending on the programming language you have chosen to implement your program.

Your program will be allowed a maximum of 3 seconds on each imput maze file. After this, your program will be terminated and any moves that have been output so far are the ones that will be tested.

After running your program on each maze, I will use the program, along with that maze file, to find out how many points your "moves" score. Say your moves score \(x\) points. After looking at all of the sumbissions, as well as my sample solutions, I will also get the maximum number of points any of them score on that maze file, which I will call \(m\). Your grade for that maze will be determined from the ratio \(\frac{x}{m}\) of your points divided by the maximum number of points for that maze. There will be bonus points available on every sample maze, if you get the maximum number of points (or close to it).

As usual, besides these auto-tests, your program will also be graded on readability, documentation, and code organization. Follow the "coding guidelines" outlined at the beginning of this page.