IC 312 Fall 2022 / HWs

This is the archived website of IC 312 from the Fall 2022 semester. Feel free to browse around; you may also find more recent offerings at my teaching page.

Homework 08: Trees, heaps, and hashes

Name: _____________________________________________ Alpha: ___________________

Describe help received: ________________________________________________________

  • Due before class on Wednesday, October 26
  • This is a written homework - be sure to turn in a hard-copy of your completed assignment at the beginning of class on the deadline.
  1. Starting with an empty tree, draw the 2-3-4 tree that results after the following series of insertions, in this order:

    T H E B I G D W A R F

    (So each key in your tree should be a single letter, arranged according to alphabetical order.)

    Show your work and clearly indicate the final 2-3-4 tree containing all of these letters.

    Remember, in this class we do “pre-emptive splitting” for 2-3-4 insertion, splitting any 4-node along the insertion path. Look back in the notes if you aren’t sure what that means!

  1. The following array represents a max-heap. Draw the tree visualization of this max-heap.

    [ 80 78 68 74 26 43 63 67 27 8 ]

  1. Starting with the array-based heap from the previous problem, give the array that results after performing the following three insertions, in this order:


    Showing your work is required! You may want to draw some trees for your own scratch work, but we want the final answer as an array since that is how heaps are stored.

  1. Starting with the following unsorted array, show the array that would result after performing a bottom-up heapify operation using bubble-down’s.

    [ 15 98 43 31 94 76 ]

    Again, you should show your work and then clearly indicate the final array.

  1. Starting with your heap from the previous problem, perform a single removeMax() operation and show the resulting array.
  1. For this problem and the next one, use the following hash function:

    \[h(x) = \left\lfloor 5\sin(13x-7) + 5 \right\rfloor\]

    Remember that the floor \(\lfloor x\rfloor\) just means rounding down. So for example, \[h(2024) = \lfloor 2.849\cdots \rfloor = 2\]

    (This is actually not a good hash function but it should be easy for you to compute with a calculator or a very short program you write.)

    The range of \(h(x)\) is integers from 0 up to 9, so it’s appropriate for a size-10 hash table.

    Draw the resulting array after inserting the following numbers into a size-10 hash table, in this order, using separate chaining.

    183, 520, 862, 67, 52, 197, 604, 388, 680

  1. Repeat the previous problem, except this time use open addressing with linear probing. Draw the resulting table after all 9 insertions.