SI 413 Fall 2021 / Project

This is the archived website of SI 413 from the Fall 2021 semester. Feel free to browse around; you may also find more recent offerings at my teaching page.


Scala is a Java relative that has removed some of the aspects of Java that the designers thought were no good, and added new features, notably functional programming. It was originally created in 2003 by Martin Odersky and relies on the Java Virtual Machine in order to work. Its features are somewhat similar to Clojure, but the syntax (way the language looks) is more like Java than like Scheme.

Useful Links


We will use the Scala compiler version 2.11.

Everything you need is already installed on CS department lab machines.

To install on your virtual machine, follow these steps:

  1. Run sudo apt install -y scala scala-doc
  2. That's it!

How I will run your code

The programs you submit should be in a single file called proj.scala, for either part of the project. I will test your code by running the following commands using the software available in the lab environment or using the instructions above:

scalac proj.scala
scala Proj

Phase 1 Requirements

For this language, you need to implement modifications A, B, C, D, F, G, and H. See the Phase 1 page for details on what this means.

Phase 2

See the Phase 2 Page for the list of suggested problems. Of the ones listed, I recommend the following as being most well-suited for Scala:

  1. Matrix Calculator
  2. Image Creator
  3. Game Scheduler
  4. TODO list
  5. Game with hidden agenda
  6. Guess the language
  7. Find the missing digits
  8. Sports Ticker
  9. Rock, Paper, Scissors
  10. ??? (you choose!)