Unit 6: Names and scopes

This is the archived website of SI 413 from the Fall 2012 semester. Feel free to browse around; you may also find more recent offerings at my teaching page.

Beginning of Class 15

1 Overview

Readings for this section: PLP, Chapter 3 intro

A name in a computer program is anything that the programmer is allowed to decide what it's called: variables, functions, classes, (depending on the language) even things like types and namespaces. In all these instances, what the programmer is asking to do is to associate (bind) some name to some kind of meaning or value.

There are two important questions we have to ask as compiler/interpreter writers (and as programmers) when we come across a name:

  1. What/which binding does this name refer to? Observe that this is not the same question as what value does that binding have. The value probably can't be known until the program is running, but the binding is often known at compile-time, just by looking at the program.
  2. Where is the value stored? When is that storage allocated and de-allocated? Again, we usually can't know what the value is at compile-time, but we might be able to say where it can be found.

These two questions have to do with the scope and allocation of a name, and there will be some important choices to make here. This sets up a common theme for the course: trade-offs. In designing programming languages and the compilers/interpreters to implement them, we are frequently faced with a compromise between:

We will see that the designers of different programming languages have made different choices with respect to these aspects, depending on the goals that that language is supposed to fulfill. For example, older programming languages such as FORTRAN were designed to be easy to compile and run on what we would today consider to be very limited hardware. So they sacrificed expressiveness for efficiency, especially compiler efficiency. Modern scripting languages like Ruby, on the other hand, are designed with the programmer in mind. Ruby compromises somewhat on speed in order to allow the most expressiveness and ease of programming.

Here, we will look at three options for scoping rules. These are defined by the language, and so this is a decision for the language designer:

2 Allocation

Readings for this section: PLP, Section 3.2 through 3.2.3.

As possible implementations of these scoping rules, we will also look at three choices for allocation. This usually wouldn't be defined by the language, but would be up to the compiler or interpreter writer to decide:

In a nutshell, static allocation is the fastest but the most limited in terms of the language features it supports. Heap allocation can support any kind of scoping rules or language features, but it will also be the slowest at run-time.

Beginning of Class 16

3 Scoping Intro

Readings for this section: PLP, Section 3.3 intro and 3.3.3

A scope is simply the part of a program where some name is "active", meaning the thing that that name refers to is in memory, and (unless it's been hidden by another name), the name is available to be referenced. This definition is a bit confusing, but the concept is actually pretty simple. For example, the scope of a global variable is the entire program. The scope of a local variable to a function, or an argument to a function is just that function itself.

Different languages have different rules about where scopes get created. In some languages such as BASIC, there is only one global scope, which makes things pretty simple! Usually, though, major control structures such as function bodies and class definitions always make new scopes. In C++, other control function bodies also make new scopes (like the body of a while or for loop).In Scheme, things like define and let statements are mostly what make scopes. We saw some different examples of this in class.

Scoping rules are different in different programming languages, and they are mostly about determining the meaning of non-local references. That is, reference to names which are not local variables, since local variables are always pretty straightforward. For example, check out this Perl program that we looked at in class:

my $x=1;
sub foo() { 
    $x = 5; 
sub bar() { 
    local $x = 2; 
    print $x,"n"; 

The question is, when foo() gets called from within the function bar(), what does the name x refer to? It's not a local variable, so we definitely have a nonlocal reference.

In most languages you have used, lexical scoping is the norm, which means we can figure out what x should refer to just by working our way out in the scopes until we find a declaration for that name. In this case, the x in foo() would always refer to the global x (the one that's initialized to 1), no matter where foo() is called from.

There is another option, however, called dynamic scoping, in which the binding for each variable is determined by the most recent declaration in the function call stack, not necessarily the closest in terms of nested scopes. This is actually what Perl uses when you declare a variable local, so in the example above, the x in foo() refers to the one declared from within bar() (initialized to 2), since foo() was called from within bar().

We'll see more carefully how these two scoping schemes work below. But you should already be noticing that the difference between a variable declaration and variable reference is pretty important. A declaration actually creates a new binding in the current scope, and the place where a variable is declared determines its scope and usually its lifetime (how long it stays in memory) as well. A variable reference is just looking up an existing binding; it doesn't create anything new.

3.1 Declaration Order

Now some interesting stuff happens when we get into what order names are declared within a certain scope. Some languages like plain C and Ada enforce a rule that all names must be declared at the beginning of the scope. This sort of keeps things simple, so that every scope must start with the declarations for its local variables, before actually doing anything with them. Many languages (C++, Java, Scheme, ...) allow you to declare a variable anywhere within a scope, but usually you can only use that variable after its declaration.

This is really important in languages like C++ and Java because they support what's called compile-time name resolution. What this means is that every name in your program is "resolved" (meaning things like its type are known) at compile-time. This is definitely not the case in Scheme, which is why a Scheme program that, say, multiplies a number times a string will only be a run-time error, while in C++ or Java such nonsense would be detected at compile-time.

Well, compile-time name resolution gets a little bit tricky with mutually recursive structures. In class, we saw the example of two functions that both call each other. Obviously one of these functions is going to have to be declared first. But then the other one won't have been declared - so how can we call it already? The solution is what's called forward declarations, where we declare something (like a function) without actually defining it. In C++, this is accomplished by writing function prototypes, which you should be familiar with. That allows the C++ compiler to read a program in a single pass, do compile-time name resolution, and still allow awesome features like mutual recursion. Many other languages, such as Java, just solve this issue by reading in all the relevant source code first, then going back to do the type checking and name resolution. This is a bit slower to compile, and requires more memory, but makes the programmer's job easier.

4 Dynamic Scope

Readings for this section: PLP, Section 3.3.6

As we mentioned above, dynamic scoping is based on the following general rule:

The current value of a name is determined by the most recent binding on the function call stack.

As each new scope is entered (usually by function calls), we push any variable declarations in that scope onto a stack. When that scope exits, its bindings are popped off the stack. And when a variable reference is made, we just look at the top of the stack for that variable.

Dynamic scope has historically been used in "immature" languages, including many scripting languages, for two reasons. First, it makes it easier to pass information from on part of the code to another part, in a function call. The reason is that every function call essentially inherits the local scope of wherever the function was called from. Especially when some function takes a lot of arguments, but you don't really want to have to specify all of them on every call, this can be rather convenient.

The second reason to use dynamic scoping is that it's pretty easy to implement, compared with the alternative. You'll discover this in the next two labs when you get to implement both!

The way we will implement dynamic scoping is through a data structure called a Central Reference Table, or CRT. This data structure consists of two parts:

Let's see how this works with a small example, which is the same one we went over in class. Here's a program in our SPL language from labs, which we'll assume for the moment is dynamically scoped:

  new x := 0;
  new i := -1;
  new g := lambda z { ret := i; };
  new f := lambda p {
    new i := x;
    ifelse i > 0 
    { ret := p(0); }
      x := x + 1;
      i := 3;
      ret := f(g);
  write f(lambda y {ret := 0;});

Here is what the CRT looks like when we reach the write statement at the bottom. Notice all that's in there is really just the global names and their bindings.

(In class, and in these notes, I'm using the shorthand notation like y -> 0 to mean "a function that takes an argument y and always returns 0". When the function is too long to write like that, I'll just write ... and assume you know which function we're referring to.)

{x,i,g,f}    0   -1    z->i   p->...
----------  ---  ---  ------  -------
  NAMES      x    i      g       f

Now to evaluate the write statement, the interpreter must first evaluate the function call to f. When this happens, we immediately get a few things: First, a new set is pushed onto the "names in scope" stack, since we're entering a new scope. The names in that set will be p (the argument name for f) and ret (to store the return value). Actual bindings for those two names are also created, so the CRT becomes:

{x,i,g,f}    0   -1    z->i   p->...    y->0   (unset)
----------  ---  ---  ------  -------  ------  -------
  NAMES      x    i      g       f       p       ret

Now the interpreter begins evaluating the function call. Two interesting things happen in the very first statement

new i := x;

First, the right-hand side is evaluated, which means looking up the current binding (top of the stack) for x; that's 0. Then a new binding is created for i, which means adding i to the top set in "names in scope", and pushing the value onto the stack for i, so we get:

{p,ret,i}         0
{x,i,g,f}    0   -1    z->i   p->...    y->0   (unset)
----------  ---  ---  ------  -------  ------  -------
  NAMES      x    i      g       f       p       ret

Now i evaluates to 0, so the next condition is false, and the else branch is taken. The first line in this branch is

x := x + 1

which is not a declaration, but a reassignment, so it only changes the top of the stack of bindings for x. Similarly with the next line for i. Then we have a recursive function call f(g), which causes a new set in the "names in scope" stack, and two new bindings, like before. So at the beginning of this recursive call, the CRT looks like:

{p,ret,i}         3                     z->i   (unset)
{x,i,g,f}    1   -1    z->i   p->...    y->0   (unset)
----------  ---  ---  ------  -------  ------  -------
  NAMES      x    i      g       f       p       ret

Make sure you notice and understand all those changes! Now this function call starts by making a new binding for i in the current scope, equal to the current value of x, which is 1. That makes the if condition evaluate to true, so we take the "then" branch of the if, which means another function call. This time the function that gets called is p(0), and in this context the value of the name p is the function that takes an argument z and returns i (see that on the top of the stack for p?). So when this function call begins, the CRT gets another set for "names in scope" and two more bindings, so it looks like:

{p,ret,i}         1                            (unset)
{p,ret,i}         3                     z->i   (unset)
{x,i,g,f}    1   -1    z->i   p->...    y->0   (unset)   0
----------  ---  ---  ------  -------  ------  -------  ---
  NAMES      x    i      g       f       p       ret     z

Okay, now we have a series of return statements to process, from the three functions that have been called inside one another. First, the current function (the function currently known as p) returns i, and the current value for i (top of the stack) is 1. Here's the situation just before the function finishes:

{p,ret,i}         1                               1
{p,ret,i}         3                     z->i   (unset)
{x,i,g,f}    1   -1    z->i   p->...    y->0   (unset)   0
----------  ---  ---  ------  -------  ------  -------  ---
  NAMES      x    i      g       f       p       ret     z

A few things happen when this function actually finishes. For one, the return value is the top value of ret in the stack, which is 1. In addition, since the function is over, we have to clean up after it. This means popping off the top set in "names in scope", and for each name in that set, popping off the most recent binding. So you'll notice the stacks for z and ret each go down by one. This is what the situation is just before the second call to f returns:

{p,ret,i}         1                               
{p,ret,i}         3                     z->i      1
{x,i,g,f}    1   -1    z->i   p->...    y->0   (unset)   
----------  ---  ---  ------  -------  ------  -------  ---
  NAMES      x    i      g       f       p       ret     z

Then that call to f returns its computed value (1), to the first call to f, which in turn returns its computed value to the global scope. Each time a function finishes, the bindings are popped off as indicated in the top set of "names in scope". Here's what the CRT looks like just before the original call to f returns:

{p,ret,i}         3                     
{x,i,g,f}    1   -1    z->i   p->...    y->0      1   
----------  ---  ---  ------  -------  ------  -------  ---
  NAMES      x    i      g       f       p       ret     z

So you can see that ultimately all this program does is print out the number 1. This was a relatively complicated example to demonstrate the CRT for you, but you should be able to follow and reconstruct examples like this on your own. This is how our interpreter that handles dynamic scoping will work as well.

Beginning of Class 17

5 Lexical Scope

Readings for this section: SICP Section 3.2 and PLP Section 3.6

We have already seen a few examples of the differences between lexical and dynamic scoping. In both cases, local variables and local references to variables declared in the same scope will work the same. The differences only come with non-local references within function calls. So it should be clear that function calls are pretty important in implementing either set of scoping rules!

5.1 Scope trees

Lexical scoping is somewhat easier to understand that dynamic scoping, although it is a bit more difficult to implement. It's also what you're used to from C++, Java, and Scheme - they all use lexical scoping. The important thing here is the structure of the code itself (the "lexical structure"), and in particular the nesting of scopes in the code. One tool to visualize this nesting is a scope tree.

A scope tree is a very simple structure that just has a box for each scope in the code, containing the local variables (including arguments to functions) defined in that scope. Every box except for the global scope also has a link to the outer scope that contains it. So for example, here is the scope tree for the SPL program in the CRT example above:

  new x := 0;
  new i := -1;
  new g := lambda z { ret := i; };
  new f := lambda p {
    new i := x;
    ifelse i > 0 
    { ret := p(0); }
      x := x + 1;
      i := 3;
      ret := f(g);
  write f(lambda y {ret := 0;});

Here is the scope tree:

Scope tree for example program

Scope tree for example program

The names of the scopes (in parentheses) are just for us to remember and don't actually matter. You will see that every pair of curly braces defines a scope, and every scope in the program is in this tree. Notice that:

The reason a lexical scope tree like this is useful is that it allows us to say what every variable reference in the program refers to - without having to rung the actual program! (This is the advantage of static, or lexical, scoping.) The way to figure out what any variable reference refers to is to start in the scope where the reference is made, then work your way up to the root until the first time you find that variable name in scope - that's the one it refers to!

So for example, the else block within f makes to references to x. We start in that block - no x there. Then move up to its parent, the scope of x. No x there either. So it's up to the global scope, which does have x. Therefore the x inside that else block is referring to the global x defined on the first line.

Contrast this with the reference to i in that same block. Again, there is no mention of i in the else block's scope, so we move up to the parent, the scope of f. But now i appears here! So the i in the else block is referring to the one defined within f, not to the global i.

Beginning of Class 18

5.2 Frames and Closures

Scope trees are great for reasoning about programs, but how can we actually implement those rules in a running program? Take this example, in SPL:

new f := lambda x {
  ret := lambda y { x + y; };
new g := f@5;
write g@6;

What does this program do? Well, the tricky part is the non-local reference to x inside the inner lambda. From a scope tree, we would see that this x is referring to the argument to f. Now here's the issue: by the time that lambda gets called (on the last line, after it's been renamed as g), the function call to f has already returned! So the x that f was called on (namely, 5) is out of scope, and yet g must still refer to that 5 so it can return 11!

This tricky business is what makes implementing lexical scope somewhat of a difficult prospect, at least when we are allowed to write programs like this. The actual issue is when functions are first-class, which you might recall from our Scheme days means that they can be given as arguments to functions and can also be returned from functions. As it turns out, when functions are first-class, we have to allocate memory for them on the heap instead of the stack. And the specific way this is accomplished is by using a data structure called Frames. A frame contains two things:

A frame is exactly the same as a node in the Scope Tree, except that the names are actually given values. In a running program, a new frame is created whenever a new scope is entered. In particular, we will get a new frame every time there is a function call.

Now if you look back in the example above, you will notice that, if there are many calls to f, each one of them will create a new frame and return a new function. But the function that returns must know which call to f created it, so it can look up the correct value of x! For this reason, function values within frames are represented using a special structure called a closure. We actually talked about closures before too, in the context of Scheme. A closure contains two things as well:

Each function in a frame will now just be a pointer to a closure, which in turn points to another frame. The result can be very simple, or we can get some really interesting and gnarly diagrams. We might affectionately call these "boxes and balls" diagrams, since each frame is drawn in a box, and each closure is drawn as a pair of circles.

Here are the most important things to remember about how this works:

  1. Each function definition creates a new closure. The referencing environment of the closure is the frame in which the function is defined.
  2. Each function call creates a new frame. The parent frame will be the referencing environment of that closure.

We saw a few examples of such diagrams in class. There are many more in the very-well written section of the SICP book mentioned above. I recommend you look at it (it's free and online and uses Scheme) for more examples.

The difference between dynamic and lexical scoping can be summarized by the following: With dynamic scoping, each binding is determined by where the function is called, but in lexical scoping, each binding is determined by where each function is defined. Make sure you understand what this means now! It's important to recognize that frames are the most general technique for implementing scoping rules - we could even use them for dynamic scoping! But they are only needed when we have lexical scoping and first-class functions, like in Scheme... or SPL!