How-to guides for Midshipmen

How to send Dr. Roche email

I am very happy to help you over email. I might be awake at surprising and unusual times, so if you have a question just go ahead and ask, anytime!

Here are some tips to get your email answered most effectively:

  1. Clearly indicate what class, assignment, reading, etc you are talking about. Probably a good idea to put the class and the assignment number in the subject of the email, along with a short description.
  2. Try to ask a clear question that probably has a definite answer. If your message says "I'm lost and don't know where to start", there's nothing I can do for you over email. In that case, see below for how to schedule EI!
  3. Explain (briefly) what you've already tried to solve your problem. That way I don't tell you something you already know!
  4. If you are asking about programming, include the short (maybe 10 lines) segment of code, and (if applicable) the exact error message you are seeing, in the plain-text body of the email. You should also attach the entire source code file(s) in case the error is not in the part of the code that you think it is and I need to look elsewhere.
  5. If you don't understand my response, or it's not helpful, email me again and I'll try to explain it better. Keep in mind that my goal is to guide you to the solution, not just tell you how to do it.
  6. If I haven't responded within 24 hours, email me again to remind me because your message has probably been buried in a large stack. (It is unlikely that this should happen!)

How to schedule EI with Dr. Roche

I would be delighted to help you in EI. We can meet in person or online via Google Meet.

To schedule an appointment, the process is very simple:

  1. Look at my schedule (it's just below), and find a convenient time when we are both free.
  1. Send me an email asking for EI at that time.
  2. I'll respond to confirm your appointment and add it to my schedule.
  3. Then just show up!

When you do come for EI, keep in mind that I have many students in different classes so I might not remember exactly what problem you have emailed me about. You should always come prepared by reading any relevant course notes, reading the directions, and making an initial attempt on the assignment so that I can really give you some extra help if necessary.

Again, feel free to stop by any time to chat or to ask any questions, but if you follow my requests above you will be most likely to receive excellent help!