/* SI204 Spring 2017
* Example program using libxml2 to read in a small XML file.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <libxml/parser.h>
int main() {
// get the filename, same as always
printf("Filename: ");
char fname[128];
scanf(" %s", fname);
// read the entire file into a xmlDoc struct
xmlDoc* document = xmlReadFile(fname, NULL, 0);
// get the document root node
xmlNode* root = xmlDocGetRootElement(document);
printf("The root node name is %s\n", (char*)root->name);
// go to the root's first child
xmlNode* child = root->children->next;
printf("The root's child's name is %s\n", (char*)child->name);
// get the child's attributes
xmlAttr* attr = child->properties;
while (attr != NULL) {
printf("The child has an attribute named %s\n", (char*)attr->name);
printf("The attribute's value is %s\n", (char*)attr->children->content);
// move to the next attribute
attr = attr->next;
// go through the child's children
xmlNode* gchild = child->children->next;
while (gchild != NULL) {
printf("The child has a child named %s\n", (char*)gchild->name);
printf("That grandchild's contents are %s\n", (char*)gchild->children->content);
// move to the next grandchild
gchild = gchild->next->next;
// clean up
return 0;