Volleyball version 2
This is the current "rally rules" scoring of volleyball that is
used in the Olympics.
A game is a series of rallies. Each rally has a winning team,
and the winning team scores one point. The first team to 25
points who ALSO has 2 points more than their opponent, wins the
In other words, in order to win, you have to have at least 25
points and you have to have at least 2 points more than the other
#include "si204.h"
int main() {
// read in team names
cstring name1;
fputs("Team 1 name: ", stdout);
readstring(name1, stdin);
cstring name2;
fputs("Team 2 name: ", stdout);
readstring(name2, stdin);
fputs("\n", stdout);
// set up scores
int score1 = 0; // current score of team 1
int score2 = 0; // current score of team 2
int winat = 25; // how many points needed to win
int winby = 2;
// The winning condition is more complicated now, so we use a
// true/false variable to store whether the game is over.
int gameover = 0;
// Stores who wins each rally
// It's at the outer scope so we can announce the winner at the end!
cstring winname;
// play the game until it's over
while (! gameover) {
// get winner of next rally
fputs("Winner of next rally: ", stdout);
readstring(winname, stdin);
// update the appropriate score
if (strcmp(winname, name1) == 0) {
// check if team 1 has won
if (score1 >= winat && score2 <= score1 - winby) {
gameover = 1;
} else if (strcmp(winname, name2) == 0) {
// check if team 2 has won
if (score2 >= winat && score1 <= score2 - winby) {
gameover = 1;
} else {
fputs("Invalid team name; please try again.\n", stdout);
// print out current scores
fputs(name1, stdout);
fputs(": ", stdout);
writenum(score1, stdout);
fputs(", ", stdout);
fputs(name2, stdout);
fputs(": ", stdout);
writenum(score2, stdout);
fputs("\n\n", stdout);
// print out who won
// Notice: the winname is whoever won the last rally, which must be the
// same as the overall game winner.
fputs(winname, stdout);
fputs(" is the winner!\n", stdout);
return 0;