 Volleyball version 1

 This is what you might have as "backyard rules" of volleyball.

 A game is a series of rallies. Each rally has a winning team,
 and the winning team scores one point. The first team to 10
 points is the winner.

 This program should start by reading in the names of the two
 teams, and then go into a while loop reading in the name of which
 team wins each rally. After each rally, print out the current
 score, and when someone reaches 10 points, the program should
 print out the winning team.
#include "si204.h"

int main() {
  // read in team names
  cstring name1;
  fputs("Team 1 name: ", stdout);
  readstring(name1, stdin);
  cstring name2;
  fputs("Team 2 name: ", stdout);
  readstring(name2, stdin);
  fputs("\n", stdout);

  // set up scores
  int score1 = 0; // current score of team 1
  int score2 = 0; // current score of team 2
  int winat = 10; // how many points needed to win

  // Stores who wins each rally
  // It's at the outer scope so we can announce the winner at the end!
  cstring winname;

  // play the game until it's over
  while (score1 < winat && score2 < winat) {
    // get winner of next rally
    fputs("Winner of next rally: ", stdout);
    readstring(winname, stdin);

    // update the appropriate score
    if (strcmp(winname, name1) == 0) {
    } else if (strcmp(winname, name2) == 0) {
    } else {
      fputs("Invalid team name; please try again.\n", stdout);

    // print out current scores
    fputs(name1, stdout);
    fputs(": ", stdout);
    writenum(score1, stdout);
    fputs(", ", stdout);
    fputs(name2, stdout);
    fputs(": ", stdout);
    writenum(score2, stdout);
    fputs("\n\n", stdout);

  // print out who won
  // Notice: the winname is whoever won the last rally, which must be the
  // same as the overall game winner.
  fputs(winname, stdout);
  fputs(" is the winner!\n", stdout);

  return 0;