Ceasar-Shift Encryption on 4-Letter Messages
The "Ceasar-Shift" method of encryption scrambles
a message a letter at a time. First we view each
letter as being represented by its distance from
the letter 'a' when we write the alphabet in a line.
So, a->0, b->1, c->2, ..., z->25. Given a key k,
which is just an integer between 0 and 25, we map
each letter to a new one as follows:
if the letter is i away from 'a', then it maps
to the letter i + k away from 'a'. If i + k is
greater than 25, we simply wraparound. The mod
operator (%) does this wraparound for us.
So, the rule becomes:
If letter L1 is i away from letter 'a', then it
maps to the letter that is (i + k) % 26 away from
the letter 'a'.
The thing to notice is that (L1 - 'a') tells you
precisely how far away letter L1 is from letter 'a',
and for distance d, char('a' + d) is the letter that
is d away from the letter 'a'.
Ex: key = 1, message = busy, encrypted message = cvtz
#include "si204.h"
int main() {
// Read in key value
int k;
fputs("Enter key value: ", stdout);
k = readnum(stdin);
// Read in 4-letter message
fputs("Enter 4-letter message (lower-case): ", stdout);
char c1, c2, c3, c4;
c1 = readchar(stdin);
c2 = readchar(stdin);
c3 = readchar(stdin);
c4 = readchar(stdin);
// Compute distances for original letters
int d1,d2,d3,d4;
d1 = c1 - 'a';
d2 = c2 - 'a';
d3 = c3 - 'a';
d4 = c4 - 'a';
// Compute distances for encrypted letters
int ed1,ed2,ed3,ed4;
ed1 = (d1 + k) % 26;
ed2 = (d2 + k) % 26;
ed3 = (d3 + k) % 26;
ed4 = (d4 + k) % 26;
// Compute encrypted letters
char e1,e2,e3,e4;
e1 = 'a' + ed1;
e2 = 'a' + ed2;
e3 = 'a' + ed3;
e4 = 'a' + ed4;
// Write out encrypted message
fputs("Encrypted message is: ", stdout);
fputc(e1, stdout);
fputc(e2, stdout);
fputc(e3, stdout);
fputc(e4, stdout);
fputs("\n", stdout);
return 0;