As a reminder, everyone is expected to decrypt their own message and submit it along with the normal project 2 submission. You also need to encrypt a message to me with my public key: roche-pubkey.txt.
The competition involves attempting to crack and decrypt my secret messages to your classmates. If you are able to decrypt any of the secret messages below, send Dr. Roche and email containing (1) the secret message that you decrypted, and (2) a brief statement of how you did it (just out of interest). This webpage will be updated as more and more keys and private messages get cracked.
Good luck and have fun!
Name | Public key | Secret message |
barabin | barabin-pubkey.txt | barabin-message.txt |
bohannon | bohannon-pubkey.txt | bohannon-message.txt |
bowen | bowen-pubkey.txt | bowen-message.txt |
brown | brown-pubkey.txt | brown-message.txt |
budzitowski | budzitowski-pubkey.txt | budzitowski-message.txt |
calnan | calnan-pubkey.txt | calnan-message.txt |
fleming | fleming-pubkey.txt | fleming-message.txt |
graveline | graveline-pubkey.txt | graveline-message.txt |
khochtali | khochtali-pubkey.txt | khochtali-message.txt |
markel | markel-pubkey.txt | markel-message.txt |
nohre | nohre-pubkey.txt | nohre-message.txt |
tian | tian-pubkey.txt | tian-message.txt |
watt | watt-pubkey.txt | watt-message.txt |