SD 212 Spring 2024 / Homeworks

hw17: Class-wide git repo

  • Due before the beginning of class on Wednesday, February 21


This unit is based on the current unit and will be sort of a follow-on to the previous homework on using GitHub.

There are two parts. First, you will install a pip package special for this class that will tell you a “secret” phrase just for you. Second, you will edit some code in a git repo that is shared across the entire course, where the part that you should edit corresponds to your “codename”.

Pip package to find your secret phrase

We made a pip package just for this assignment!

Here are its pages on github and on pip

To install it, run these two commands in your terminal:

mamba activate sd212
pip install rand-wordpair

Now you have to find your personal secret phrase. To do that, you just need to use Python to run the show_user_code() function from the rand_wordpair package.

Take note of your “secret” phrase. You will need it for the next part!

Class-wide shared git repo

For this assignment, you will all join in one big class-wide git repo.

If you completed the previous homework by the end of the day it’s due, you will be added as a collaborator on the shared public repo at

If you don’t see an invite (like if you didn’t complete that homework or submitted it late or put the wrong github username), then send your instructor an email and they can add you, no problem.

Then follow these steps:

  • Get the SSH link for the shared repo

    • Open the shared repo page on github

    • Click the green Code box, select the SSH option, and copy the line that starts with to your clipboard

  • Clone the repo to a local directory

    • Open a terminal in your sd212 folder (not inside your other repo for lab 7!)

    • Clone the shared repo by running:

      git clone

      where the last part is what you pasted from the clipboard

    • Check that this downloaded and created a new folder called share24

  • Modify a file

    Find the file corresponding to your section, and follow the instructions there to add some code to YOUR function (only!).

    You will need to add your code to the function corresponding to your own personal “secret” phrase from the first part above.

    Save and run the file to see if it’s working. Do not edit other people’s code. Be careful you don’t introduce a bug which makes it not work!

  • Create a new file

    Add a new file in the folder secXfiles for your section with filename m260000.txt but using your actual alpha of course.

    You can put anything you want in the text file. I recommend some tasteful ASCII art.

  • Commit the two changes that you just made to the local copy.

    • In the terminal, use cd to go to the folder share24

    • Run git add for your new file, like

      git add secX/mYYYYYY.txt
    • Commit both changes by running

      git commit -a -m "MIDN 3/C Jones reporting in"

      (Note, the -a flag means “all” and will include your changes to the Python file as well as the new file you just added. And of course you can change the message after -m to anything you want.)

  • “Push” your commit to the shared repo

    • In case some other changes were made in the meantime, run

      git pull

      to update your repo to the most recent version

    • Not push your commit:

      git push origin main

      (It might also work if you leave off the origin and main parts.)

    • Confirm it worked! Go to the shared github page and make sure you see your changes in the Python program as well as the new file you created in the section directory.

  • Open the github page for the shared repo and double-check that your changes got in.

That’s everything! Make sure to go back and make sure you understand the commands you ran and what they did. Challenge yourself to go back to the repo again the next day and make some more changes to your python function.