SD 212 Spring 2024 / Homeworks

hw09: RegexOne practice

  • Due before the beginning of class on Monday, January 29

For today’s homework you will play a web game based on regular expressions: RegexOne.

It is set up as a series of “lessons”, and for each one you have to come up with a regular expression that matches all the lines it should match, and none of the ones it shouldn’t.

Feel free to go further if you want, but for the purposes of this homework you can stop when you reach Lesson 10.

You just need to download this markdown file and answer one question:

  1. Practice Regexes

    Go to RegexOne and use the information there, along with what we learned so far in class, to complete the challenges in order (at least) up to Lesson 10.

    On the page for Lesson 10, look down at the table of matching lines. What is the first line in the “Text” column (it starts with “Mi”)?

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submit -c=sd212 -p=hw09 
club -csd212 -phw09
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