SD 212 Spring 2024 / Homeworks

hw27: Temps class

  • Due before the beginning of class on Friday, April 5

The task

A technician collecting temperature data wants to have a Python object to help collect their temperature readings one at a time and get some simple statistics on the list of readings collected so far.

To support this, you will define a class in Python called Temps that supports the following functions:

  • add_reading(x): Adds the number x to the list of temperature readings
  • get_count(): Returns the number of readings added so far
  • get_average(): Returns the average temperature over all readings collected so far
  • get_high(): Returns the highest temperature recorded so far

You will also need an __init__(self) function to create a new Temps object, which takes no arguments.

You can assume that get_average() and get_high() will not be called until after add_reading(x) is called at least once.

(Hint: You might want your __init__ function to create an empty list and save it as an instance variable in the class.)

Your code

Create a file which contains your class Temp definition and nothing else.

If you want to put any testing code in outside of your class definition, you should put it under if __name__ == '__main__': so that it does not get executed when your file is imported.


Here is one example of how we will test your class:

from temps import Temps # import the class from your file

hot_day = Temps() # create a new object
print(hot_day.get_count()) # should be 0
print(hot_day.get_count()) # should be 4
# this should be (80 + 87 + 92 + 87) / 4 = 86.5
print("Average temp on hot day:", hot_day.get_average())
print("High on a hot day:", hot_day.get_high()) # should be 92

# create a different object
cool_day = Temps()
# this should print 70.0 and 75
print("Cool day stats:", cool_day.get_average(), cool_day.get_high())

# both objects are independent; should be 4 and 2
print("Number of readings on hot/cool days:", hot_day.get_count(), cool_day.get_count())

Submit command

To submit files for this homework, run one of these commands:

submit -c=sd212 -p=hw27
club -csd212 -phw27