SD 212 Spring 2024 / Homeworks

hw36: Write final exam questions

  • Due before the beginning of class on Monday, April 29

For our very last SD212 homework, we ask you to try your hand at writing some questions for the final exam.

Of course, the reason isn’t really that we need you to write final exam questions (although we might use some if they are good!). Rather, the act of thinking about what might be on the exam, is a great way to study for it! And we will share everyone’s questions across the whole class so that you can benefit and study from each other.

Which unit?

You will each write two questions that come from a single unit of the course. The page with all units is here.

To find out which unit is assigned for you, we wrote a very small Python package with one function which you can find here on pip and on this github page.

To use it, first run

mamba activate sd212
pip install sd212review

on the command line to install the package. Then you can enter your own alpha into the whichunit function from this package, to find out which unit you are assigned.

Then go to this page and follow the link for your unit to review and think of questions.

How to write an exam question?

Writing “good” exam questions is hard! We won’t expect you to be great at it, but you should try your best because the better your questions are, the more help they will be to yourself and your classmates in studying.

Generally, a “good” exam question should be relevant to the material we learned, challenging enough so that a correct answer indicates you actually understood the material, and fair so that someone who has adequately prepared for the exam should reasonably be expected to get it right without too much effort.

Looking back at relevant homeworks can be a good starting point!


Download the file to fill in and submit for this homework
  1. Which unit are you assigned according to the whichunit() function?

  2. Write a multiple-choice question based on the material in your unit.

    Don’t include the answer here, just the question and the choices.

    (Remember your question should be relevant, challenging, and fair.)

  3. What is the answer to your multiple-choice question?

  4. Write a short-answer or programming question based on the material in your assigned unit.

    (Be specific! Make sure it’s a question that can actually have right and wrong answers, while still being relevant, challenging, and fair.)

  5. Give one sample solution to your short answer/programming question.

Submit command

To submit files for this homework, run one of these commands:

submit -c=sd212 -p=hw36 
club -csd212 -phw36
Download the file to fill in and submit for this homework