SD 212 Spring 2024 / Homeworks

hw21: Video about the CPU

  • Due before the beginning of class on Wednesday, March 20

For this homework, we are just asking you to watch a YouTube video and then fill in a (short!) Google form to check that you watched it.

The video is about how the CPU works. It is simplified and clearly explained, but there is still a lot of deep content there. We hope you enjoy it, but please don’t be frustrated if you don’t understand every detail. Try to focus on the processor instructions and the relationship between processor and memory.

Video to watch

Note, this is a YouTube video, not a formal academic resource. It’s ten years old but the information on how a CPU works is still spot-on for how they work today. Please ignore the pleas to buy the book that is mentioned, and the non sequitur Bible verse at the end.

Google Form to fill in afterwards