SI204, Introduction to Computer Science
Course Policy, Spring AY17
  • Assoc. Prof. Dan Roche, x3-6814, (coordinator)
  • Dr. Carl Albing,
Course Description: Introduction to algorithmic development, problem solving and software design. Principles and concepts to provide foundational knowledge and experience upon which later computing courses will build. This course is intended for non-majors or advanced 4/c midshipmen.
Learning Objectives:
  1. Solve problems using the procedural programming paradigm.
  2. Design, develop, debug, and document computer programs using structured programming techniques.
  3. Select and implement the most appropriate data structure for a solution and justify your selection.
Course Website: The course website can be found at Students are responsible for all material and assignments posted on the webpage, whether or not they are mentioned explicitly mentioned in class.
Textbook(s): (none required)
MGSP: This course will be supported by the Midshipmen Group Study Program (MGSP). MGSP leaders are student volunteers who may be able to provide extra assistance during scheduled MGSP sessions, generally held in the evenings each week.
The MGSP leaders for SI 204 this semester are:
  • 2/C Andrew Sumida,, 22nd Co.
  • 3/C Yair Abramoff,, 17th Co.
Extra Instruction: Extra instruction (EI) is strongly encouraged and should be scheduled by email with the instructor. EI is not a substitute lecture; students should come prepared with specific questions or problems.
Except in special circumstances, students should seek EI only with their assigned instructor.
Collaboration: The guidance in the Honor Concept of the Brigade of Midshipmen and the Computer Science Department Honor Policy must be followed at all times. See Specific instructions for this course:
  • Homework: Students may collaborate with others in the same class, and may use any static online source. Receiving help from other students (other than MGSP leaders), or posting questions in online help forums, is not permitted. Any help received from any source must be clearly documented and turned in. All actual work (coding, pen-to-paper, etc.) must be done individually; direct copying is never acceptable for credit. Students are expected to understand completely anything turned in for credit.
  • Labs: Students may receive help from others in the same class, and may use any static online source. Receiving help from other students (other than MGSP leaders), or posting questions in online help forums, is not permitted. Any help received from any source must be clearly documented and turned in. All actual work (coding, pen-to-paper, etc.) must be done individually; direct copying is never acceptable for credit. Students are required to understand completely anything turned in for credit.
  • Projects: No collaboration or (unless found on the course website) online assistance is permitted. Students may verbally discuss the project with other students in the same class, for the sole purpose of understanding the instructions; these discussions may never touch on how to actually complete the project. Any student may request to make use of some other online resource, but may only do so if the specific website is approved by the instructor.
  • Exams: No collaboration or resources of any kind allowed, unless explicitly stated.
All collaboration and outside sources should always be cited. The same rules apply for giving and receiving assistance. If you are unsure whether a certain kind of assistance or collaboration is permitted, you should assume it is not, work individually, and seek clarification from your instructor.
Classroom Conduct: The section leader will record attendance and bring the class to attention at the beginning and end of each class. If the instructor is late more than 5 minutes, the section leader will keep the class in place and report to the Computer Science department office. If the instructor is absent, the section leader will direct the class. Drinks are permitted, but they must be in reclosable containers. Food, alcohol, smoking, smokeless tobacco products, and electronic cigarettes are all prohibited. Cell phones must be silent during class.
Late Policy: Penalties for late submission of graded work may vary among courses or from semester to semester, but they will be the same for all sections of a given course. For this course:
  • For projects only, each student will be allowed a total of two "grace days" to use on any of the three projects assigned throughout the semester. Each grace day counts as a single 24 hour extension on the given deadline. Students using a grace day must notify their instructor at least 12 hours prior to the deadline.
  • Other than the grace days on projects, no late work will be accepted, except under extraordinary circumstances as approved by the instructor. Students on movement orders or otherwise not present when work is due are expected to ensure their work is nonetheless handed in before the deadline.
Grading: Grades will be calculated as follows, with one exception: All assigned work must be completed to a satisfactory level of effort in order to pass the class. That is, any assigned homework, lab, or project must be turned in - even if late and for zero credit - in order to earn a passing grade in the course. The definition of "satisfactory level of effort" is at the discretion of the instructor, but generally means a C- level.
6 weeks 12 weeks 16 weeks Final
Homework 9% 9% 9% 9%
Labs 8% 8% 8% 8%
Projects 21% 21% 21% 21%
Exams 62% 62% 62% 62%
Total 100% 100% 100% 100%