Problem 78

This is the archived version of this course from the Spring 2013 semester. You might find something more recent by visitning my teaching page.

Make up a problem

Due: April 29
Points: 1-2

Suggest a problem that should be assigned in the current week of this class, or on the final exam. (It's possible that the problem isn't actually assigned until the following week.)

You will be judged on the creativity of your problem, how interesting it is, and how instructive it will be for your peers to work on it. You can submit any kind of problem, at any difficulty level that is appropriate compared to the problems that have been assigned.

You may submit up to one problem per week, from now up to the end of the semester. All problems must be submitted by email, and there will be no in-class presentations. A passing problem will be worth 1 or 2 points, depending on how interesting/complex/instructive the problem is. Some passing problems will be assigned as real problems, and then you can get points for completing them too!