Problem 13

This is the archived version of this course from the Spring 2013 semester. You might find something more recent by visitning my teaching page.

Which is the randomest of them all?

Due: January 18
Points: 1

Listed below are 10 numbers. 9 of them were chosen completely randomly. The other one has a special meaning. Which one is the non-random one?

(If you say it's impossible to tell, then why is it impossible?)

1.  57009049253259641
2.  989739512392035781
3.  876985006310929151
4.  395315635165625384
5.  385234056488651165
6.  176952332380893333
7.  958046824447065727
8.  293229330849034265
9.  507240198779513857
10. 386552002749522855

Here they are in binary, in case that helps:

1.  11001010100010010110110110100001101110010010100101111001
2.  110110111100010000101101011110111000010010111010110111000101
3.  110000101011101011010011011101111110100000011011001011111111
4.  10101111100011100010111100111001000001101000111110000101000
5.  10101011000101000000101010101010100011000111000100110011101
6.  1001110100101010010011010101110001101111010111000010010101
7.  110101001011101010101000001011001001010110111011111001111111
8.  10000010001110000101000010111010110111110110111000000011001
9.  11100001010000101000100010111111000000011010010110000000001
10. 10101011101010011101111111110011011000110011110001110100111