#include <cctype>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include "posint.hpp"
using namespace std;

/******************** BASE ********************/

int PosInt::B = 0x8000;
int PosInt::Bbase = 2;
int PosInt::Bpow = 15;

void PosInt::setBase(int base, int pow) {
  Bbase = base;
  Bpow = pow;
  B = base;
  while (pow > 1) {
    B *= Bbase;

/******************** I/O ********************/

void PosInt::read (const char* s) {
  string str(s);
  istringstream sin (str);

void PosInt::set(int x) {

  if (x < 0)
    throw "Can't set PosInt to negative value";

  while (x > 0) {
    digits.push_back(x % B);
    x /= B;

void PosInt::set (const PosInt& rhs) {
  if (this != &rhs)
    digits.assign (rhs.digits.begin(), rhs.digits.end());

void PosInt::print_array(ostream& out) const {
  out << "[ls";
  for (int i=0; i<digits.size(); ++i)
    out << ' ' << digits[i];
  out << " ms]";

void PosInt::print(ostream& out) const {
  if (digits.empty()) out << 0;
  else {
    int i = digits.size()-1;
    int pow = B/Bbase;
    int digit = digits[i];
    for (; digit < pow; pow /= Bbase);
    while (true) {
      for (; pow>0; pow /= Bbase) {
        int subdigit = digit / pow;
        if (subdigit < 10) out << subdigit;
        else out << (char)('A' + (subdigit - 10));
        digit -= subdigit*pow;
      if (--i < 0) break;
      digit = digits[i];
      pow = B/Bbase;

void PosInt::read (istream& in) {
  vector<int> digstack;
  while (isspace(in.peek())) in.get();
  int pow = B/Bbase;
  int digit = 0;
  int subdigit;
  while (true) {
    int next = in.peek();
    if (isdigit(next)) subdigit = next-'0';
    else if (islower(next)) subdigit = next - 'a' + 10;
    else if (isupper(next)) subdigit = next - 'A' + 10;
    else subdigit = Bbase;
    if (subdigit >= Bbase) break;
    digit += pow*subdigit;
    if (pow == 1) {
      digstack.push_back (digit);
      pow = B/Bbase;
      digit = 0;
    else pow /= Bbase;
  pow *= Bbase;
  if (pow == B && !digstack.empty()) {
    pow = 1;
    digit = digstack.back();
  int pmul = B/pow;
  digits.assign (1, digit/pow);
  for (int i=digstack.size()-1; i >= 0; --i) {
    digits.back() += (digstack[i] % pow) * pmul;
    digits.push_back (digstack[i] / pow);

int PosInt::convert () const {
  int val = 0;
  int pow = 1;
  for (int i = 0; i < digits.size(); ++i) {
    val += pow * digits[i];
    pow *= B;
  return val;

ostream& operator<< (ostream& out, const PosInt& x) { 
  return out;

istream& operator>> (istream& in, PosInt& x) { 
  return in;

/******************** RANDOM NUMBERS ********************/

// Produces a random number between 0 and n-1
static int randomInt (int n) {
  int max = RAND_MAX - ((RAND_MAX-n+1) % n);
  int r;
  do { r = rand(); }
  while (r > max);
  return r % n;

// Sets this PosInt to a random number between 0 and x-1
void PosInt::rand (const PosInt& x) {
  if (this == &x) {
    PosInt xcopy(x);
  else {
    PosInt max;
    max.digits.assign (x.digits.size(), 0);
    mod (max, x);
    do {
      for (int i=0; i<digits.size(); ++i)
        digits[i] = randomInt(B);
    } while (compare(max) >= 0);

/******************** UTILITY ********************/

// Removes leading 0 digits
void PosInt::normalize () {
  int i;
  for (i = digits.size()-1; i >= 0 && digits[i] == 0; --i);
  if (i+1 < digits.size()) digits.resize(i+1);

bool PosInt::isEven() const {
  if (B % 2 == 0) return digits.empty() || (digits[0] % 2 == 0);
  int sum = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < digits.size(); ++i)
    sum += digits[i] % 2;
  return sum % 2 == 0;

// Result is -1, 0, or 1 if a is <, =, or > than b,
// up to the specified length.
int PosInt::compareDigits (const int* a, int alen, const int* b, int blen) {
  int i = max(alen, blen)-1;
  for (; i >= blen; --i) {
    if (a[i] > 0) return 1;
  for (; i >= alen; --i) {
    if (b[i] > 0) return -1;
  for (; i >= 0; --i) {
    if (a[i] < b[i]) return -1;
    else if (a[i] > b[i]) return 1;
  return 0;

// Result is -1, 0, or 1 if this is <, =, or > than rhs.
int PosInt::compare (const PosInt& x) const {
  if (digits.size() < x.digits.size()) return -1;
  else if (digits.size() > x.digits.size()) return 1;
  else return compareDigits
    (&digits[0], digits.size(), &x.digits[0], x.digits.size());

/******************** ADDITION ********************/

// Computes dest += x, digit-wise
// REQUIREMENT: dest has enough space to hold the complete sum.
void PosInt::addArray (int* dest, const int* x, int len) {
  int i;
  for (i=0; i < len; ++i)
    dest[i] += x[i];

  for (i=0; i+1 < len; ++i) {
    if (dest[i] >= B) {
      dest[i] -= B;

  for ( ; dest[i] >= B; ++i) {
    dest[i] -= B;

// this = x + y
PosInt& PosInt::add (const PosInt& x, const PosInt& y) {
  if (&x == this) return add(y);
  else if (&y == this) return add(x);
  else {
    return add(y);

// this = this + x
PosInt& PosInt::add (const PosInt& x) {
  digits.resize(max(digits.size(), x.digits.size())+1, 0);
  addArray (&digits[0], &x.digits[0], x.digits.size());
  return *this;

/******************** SUBTRACTION ********************/

// Computes dest -= x, digit-wise
// REQUIREMENT: dest >= x, so the difference is non-negative
void PosInt::subArray (int* dest, const int* x, int len) {
  int i = 0;
  for ( ; i < len; ++i)
    dest[i] -= x[i];

  for (i=0; i+1 < len; ++i) {
    if (dest[i] < 0) {
      dest[i] += B;

  for ( ; dest[i] < 0; ++i) {
    dest[i] += B;

// this = x - y
PosInt& PosInt::sub (const PosInt& x, const PosInt& y) {
  if (&x == this) return sub(y);
  else if (&y == this) {
    PosInt temp (y);
    return sub(temp);
  else {
    return sub(y);

// this = this - x
PosInt& PosInt::sub (const PosInt& x) {
  if (compare(x) < 0)
    throw "Subtraction would result in negative number";
  subArray (&digits[0], &x.digits[0], x.digits.size());
  return *this;

/******************** MULTIPLICATION ********************/

// Computes dest = dest * x, digit-wise
// REQUIREMENT: dest has enough space to hold any overflow.
void PosInt::mulArray (int* dest, int x, int len) {
  int i;
  for (i=0; i<len; ++i)
    dest[i] *= x;
  for (i=0; i+1<len; ++i) {
    dest[i+1] += dest[i] / B;
    dest[i] %= B;
  for (; dest[i] >= B; ++i) {
    dest[i+1] += dest[i] / B;
    dest[i] %= B;

// this = x * y
PosInt& PosInt::mul(const PosInt& x, const PosInt& y) {
  int xlen = x.digits.size();
  int ylen = y.digits.size();
  if (xlen == 0 || ylen == 0) set(0);
  else if (this == &x) {
    PosInt xcopy(x);
    mul(xcopy, y);
  else if (this == &y) {
    PosInt ycopy(y);
    mul(x, ycopy);
  else {
    int* temp = new int[xlen+1];
    digits.assign (xlen+ylen, 0);
    for (int i = 0; i < ylen; ++i) {
      // set temp = x
      for (int j = 0; j < xlen; ++j)
        temp[j] = x.digits[j];
      temp[xlen] = 0;
      // temp = x * i'th digit of y
      mulArray (temp, y.digits[i], xlen);
      // this = this + temp*B^i
      addArray (&digits[i], temp, xlen+1);
    delete [] temp;
  return *this;

/******************** DIVISION ********************/

// Computes dest = dest / x, digit-wise, and returns dest % x
int PosInt::divArray (int* dest, int x, int len) {
  int r = 0;
  for (int i = len-1; i >= 0; --i) {
    dest[i] += B*r;
    r = dest[i] % x;
    dest[i] /= x;
  return r;

// Computes division with remainder, digit-wise.
//   - length of q is at least xlen-ylen+1
//   - length of r is at least xlen
//   - q and r are distinct from all other arrays
//   - most significant digit of divisor (y) is at least B/2
void PosInt::divremArray 
  (int* q, int* r, const int* x, int xlen, const int* y, int ylen)
  // Copy x into r
  for (int i=0; i<xlen; ++i) r[i] = x[i];

  // Create temporary array to hold a digit-multiple of y
  int* temp = new int[ylen+1];

  int qind = xlen - ylen;
  int rind = xlen - 1;

  q[qind] = 0;
  while (true) {
    // Do "correction" if the quotient digit is off by a few
    while (compareDigits (y, ylen, r + qind, xlen-qind) <= 0) {
      subArray (r + qind, y, ylen);

    // Test if we're done, otherwise move to the next digit
    if (qind == 0) break;

    // (Under)-estimate the next digit, and subtract out the multiple.
    int quoest = (r[rind] + B*r[rind+1]) / y[ylen-1] - 2;
    if (quoest <= 0) q[qind] = 0;
    else {
      q[qind] = quoest;
      for (int i=0; i<ylen; ++i) temp[i] = y[i];
      temp[ylen] = 0;
      mulArray (temp, quoest, ylen+1);
      subArray (r+qind, temp, ylen+1);

  delete [] temp;

// Computes division with remainder. After the call, we have
// x = q*y + r, and 0 <= r < y.
void PosInt::divrem (PosInt& q, PosInt& r, const PosInt& x, const PosInt& y) {
  if (y.digits.empty()) throw "Divide by zero";
  else if (&q == &r) throw "Quotient and remainder can't be the same";
  else if (x.compare(y) < 0) {
  else if (y.digits.size() == 1) {
    int divdig = y.digits[0];
    r.set (divArray (&q.digits[0], divdig, q.digits.size()));
  else if (2*y.digits.back() < B) {
    int ylen = y.digits.size();
    int fac = 1;
    int* scaley = new int[ylen];
    for (int i=0; i<ylen; ++i) scaley[i] = y.digits[i];
    do {
      mulArray (scaley, 2, ylen);
      fac *= 2;
    } while (2*scaley[ylen-1] < B);

    int xlen = x.digits.size()+1;
    int* scalex = new int[xlen];
    for (int i=0; i<xlen-1; ++i) scalex[i] = x.digits[i];
    scalex[xlen-1] = 0;
    mulArray (scalex, fac, xlen);
    q.digits.resize(xlen - ylen + 1);
    divremArray (&q.digits[0], &r.digits[0], scalex, xlen, scaley, ylen);
    divArray (&r.digits[0], fac, xlen);
  else {
    int xlen = x.digits.size();
    int ylen = y.digits.size();
    int* xarr = NULL;
    int* yarr = NULL;
    if (&x == &q || &x == &r) {
      xarr = new int[xlen];
      for (int i=0; i<xlen; ++i) xarr[i] = x.digits[i];
    if (&y == &q || &y == &r) {
      yarr = new int[ylen];
      for (int i=0; i<ylen; ++i) yarr[i] = y.digits[i];
    q.digits.resize(xlen - ylen + 1);
    divremArray (&q.digits[0], &r.digits[0], 
      (xarr == NULL ? (&x.digits[0]) : xarr), xlen, 
      (yarr == NULL ? (&y.digits[0]) : yarr), ylen);
    if (xarr != NULL) delete [] xarr;
    if (yarr != NULL) delete [] yarr;

/******************** EXPONENTIATION ********************/

// this = x ^ y
PosInt& PosInt::pow (const PosInt& x, const PosInt& y) {
  static const PosInt one(1);
  if (this == &x) {
    PosInt xcopy(x);
    pow(xcopy, y);
  else {
    PosInt expon(y);
    while (!expon.isZero()) {
  return *this;

/******************** GCDs ********************/

// this = gcd(x,y)
PosInt& PosInt::gcd (const PosInt& x, const PosInt& y) {
  PosInt b(y);
  PosInt r;
  while (!b.isZero()) {
  return *this;

// this = gcd(x,y) = s*x - t*y
// NOTE THE MINUS SIGN! This is required so that both s and t are
// always non-negative.
PosInt& PosInt::xgcd (PosInt& s, PosInt& t, const PosInt& x, const PosInt& y) {
  if (this == &s || this == &t || &s == &t)
    throw "Arguments to xgcd must be distinct";
  else if (x.isZero())
    throw "First argument to xgcd must be nonzero";
  else if (x.compare(y) < 0) {
    // Flip the arguments around if x < y
    xgcd (t, s, y, x);
    t.sub (x, t);
    s.sub (y, s);
  else if (y.isZero()) {
  else {
    PosInt quo;
    PosInt rem;
    divrem (quo, rem, x, y);
    xgcd (t, s, y, rem);
    t.sub (x, t);
    t.sub (quo);
    s.sub (y, s);
  return *this;

/******************** Primality Testing ********************/

// returns true if this is PROBABLY prime
bool PosInt::MillerRabin () const {
  static PosInt one (1);
  static PosInt two (2);

  if (compare(one) <= 0) return false;
  if (compare(two) == 0) return true;

  PosInt a;
  PosInt nminus1 (*this);


  // Choose a = random(2..n-1)
  PosInt nminus3(nminus1);

  PosInt d(nminus1);
  PosInt k(0);

  while (d.isEven()) {

  // Compute x = a^d mod n
  PosInt powof2(one);
  while (powof2.compare(d) < 0) powof2.mul(two);
  PosInt x(1);
  while (!powof2.isZero()) {
    if (powof2.compare(d) <= 0) {

  x.mod(*this); // x = x^2 mod n

  if (x.compare(one) == 0) return true;
  if (x.compare(nminus1) == 0) return true;
  while (k.compare(one) > 0) { // while (k > 1)
    x.mod(*this); // x = x^2 mod n
    if (x.compare(one) == 0) return false;
    if (x.compare(nminus1) == 0) return true;
  return false;