Class 5: Breaking the Functional Paradigm


Display version (pdf).

This class will be held in the location of our labs, MI 302.



Submit your solutions to the following exercises electronically in a file called ex.scm contained in a folder called class05.

  1. Go back and read the last slide from Class 4 (DISPLAY version) that we didn't get to during lecture.
    Then rewrite the following two functions using lambda:
    (define (foo x)
      (* x 12))
    (define (bar x)
      (let ((temp (sqrt x)))
        (* temp (+ temp 3))))
  2. Write a function print-sum that takes a list of numbers and prints the numbers with plus signs between.
    For example:
    > (print-sum '(1 2 3))
    1 + 2 + 3
    > (print-sum '(5))
    The function should return void.
  3. Using a let closure, a returned lambda, and repeated set! calls, create a function factory make-summer that returns a procedure which takes a single number, adds it to a running sum, and returns that running sum. For example:
    > (define summer (make-summer))
    > (summer 4)
    > (summer 10)
    > (summer 10)
    Hint: start with the code for make-counter in the slides.
  4. (OPTIONAL) Create a function factory make-better-summer that works like make-summer, except that the returned procedure displays the entire sum at each step, and returns void.
    For example:
    > (define bs (make-better-summer))
    > (bs 10)
    10 = 10
    > (bs 4)
    4 + 10 = 14
    > (bs 8)
    8 + 4 + 10 = 22
    > (bs 16)
    16 + 8 + 4 + 10 = 38