SD 212 Spring 2024 / Notes

Unit 9: OOP in Python

1 Overview

We learned about Python classes last semester in SD211 (for one whole week), where you saw how to write and use classes that have a few class functions and object variables.

In this unit, we will recollect what we learned earlier, and go further to understand two new concepts: inheritance (when a class extends or derives from another class) and operator overloading (how to control the way built-in python operators and functions work with classes we write).

As we dive back into classes and learn these new tricks, we want to emphasize the bigger picture as well: what are classes really about, and when would I want to use one? Object-oriented programming is a way of thinking about programs that is based around classes. The powerful thing we can do with a class is to create a new type which encompasses both data (object variables) and functions which operate on that data. For those reasons, objects (i.e., classes) are a very useful tool in organizing larger programs, and especially creating and sharing libraries in Python.

Plus, your understanding of classes will be crucial to your success in the SD311 Data Structures and Scalability course you will take next fall. So let’s get into it!

2 Resources